How it all started...
Joyce has been living in Zandvoort for years, and it always surprised her that there are no small boutiques on the beach, like you often see abroad. There were no charming boutiques with jewelry, dresses, etc. Joyce gathered her courage and approached a beach tent where she could sell clothing, some bikinis, and jewelry. 'JOZ at Everywhere' was born.
It turned out to be a great success, and quite soon Joyce took her pop-up concept to Amsterdam, Laren, and Abcoude. During her pop-up store on Berenstraat, Joyce didn't really want to leave, as the 9 Streets has always been one of her favorite neighborhoods in Amsterdam. A beautiful building on Huidenstraat became available, and the first real JOZ Amsterdam boutique came into existence. Within 4 months, Joyce took the bold step of acquiring a property on Berenstraat as well, and later the Travel Boutique (next to the property on Berenstraat) also became available.
The 3 boutiques are filled with gems from the collection of beautiful, high-quality brands. Joyce ensures that the finest 'candy's' can be combined with the best and most comfortable basic items. Most of the brands come from Scandinavia, France, Spain, and not to forget, the Netherlands.
Personal attention and service are highly valued at JOZ. Together with her dear daughter Dana (a familiar face on Berenstraat for many) and Joyce's 'Angels,' JOZ provides a unique shopping experience, whether you come alone or with a large group of friends. Coffee or a glass of wine is always ready during fittings.
Would you like to come by or do you prefer to make an appointment with one of our stylists? We can be reached via this link, and you can find our address here.